
R Help

Read the manuals! Most answers are available from An introduction to R

For a function or command, type help(command name) or ?command name at the R prompt. For example, to get help about plot() function




Additional help is available by searching internet. The other day I created a script to read in a data table, and I kept getting the following error message

Error: unexpected string constant

I couldn’t see anything wrong with my script, so I copied the error message from R and pasted into Google search. Lots of results popped up; the results gave me ideas to check. [Turned out I had a simple typo, a comma instead of a period.]

R Commander help

Scattered throughout Mike’s Biostatistics Book are instructions for how to use R Commander and R. Again through the internet search you’ll find help with R Commander. For example, see this Western Sydney University site for many use of R Commander videos.

FAQ in my courses

I installed R last year for a different class; What do I do now?

DrD, your R code does not work

macos won’t let me run R